June 2, 2020 Tuesday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time–A

2 Peter:3:12-15, 17-18

Psalm 90

Mark 12:13-17

“Repay to God what belongs to God.”  Mk 12:17

Lord, it’s clear the Roman coin belonged to Caesar because it bore his image. But what belongs to you? What are we to repay to you?  We are made in your image and likeness. At my baptism my soul was stamped with your image. I belong to you. You answered in debate with those trying to trap you that the question about taxation isn’t what God desires from me. He wants nothing less than all of me. Lord, it’s so easy for me to divide my time, possessions and energy into mine and yours. This story helps me to see that all I am, all I have or will have belongs to you. My family, talents, time and health are yours. Today, dear Jesus, bring me closer to your most Sacred Heart. Give me the peace to realize that I can place everything, joy or sorrow into your loving hands. Lord don’t let me worry about what I have or don’t have but but rejoice in whose I am. May I give back to a most generous God all you have given to me.  Amen Alleluia