Revelation 11:19, 12:1-6, 10

Psalm 45

1 Corinthians 15:20-27

Luke 1:39-56

“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord… Lk. 1:46

Lord, how blest we are to have Mary as our mother.  Her joy was to be the complete servant of God.  The only thing that mattered to her was to do God’s will without complaint or question.  She never forgot all God had done for her and her people.  Setting aside her own plans, she fully embraced the message of the angel despite perhaps not understanding all it would involve.  Becoming your mother and teacher was the greatest honor given any woman throughout history.  Her obedience to the Father and complete commitment to you stand as awesome examples for all of us.   Today she shows us the way to your kingdom.  She always points the way to you, dear Lord.   Even though our Blessed Mother is with you in heaven body and soul, she is ever ready to intercede for us her on earth.  We can be confident that she carries our needs before you and perfects our humble and feeble prayers.   May we like Mary, remain open to your mighty deeds.  And may we, like Mary, stay faithful to the end.  May we, like Mary, magnify the greatness of our Lord.  Amen.