April 25, 2020 Saturday of the 2nd Week of Easter –A ST. MARK APOSTLE

St. Peter 5: 5-14

Psalm 89

Mark 16:15-20

“Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.” Mk. 16:15 

Lord, on this day we honor St. Mark who was one of your chosen Gospel writers. His written words have been preserved for thousands of years and have proclaimed your Good News to so many people of all ages. I lift up in prayer all the men and women of today who proclaim the Gospel to people for their belief and baptism. I pray for our Pope Francis, our Bishop and all the Priests and Deacons who faithfully teach and live Mark’s Gospel. I pray also for all the holy lay persons who teach our children and others the truth of your Resurrection and love and mercy for all people. I ask your protection on all missionaries who preach the good news in hostile and dangerous lands. Lord, I also pray for myself that I have the courage to live and teach your holy word in workplaces, neighborhoods and families. May we always turn to your Holy Spirit for guidance on how to bring the truth of the Gospel to those who will listen. Let me never be discouraged or afraid of failure when offered the opportunity to spread the good news.  St. Mark Pray for us.  Amen Alleluia