August 11, 2019 Sunday of the 19th Week in Ordinary Time-C
Wisdom 18:6-9
Psalm 33
Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19
Luke 12:32-48
Our soul waits for the Lord, who is our help and our shield. Ps. 33:20
“Blessed are those servants whom the master finds vigilant on his arrival.” Lk. 12:43
Lord, for many of us waiting is not our strong suit. Whether it’s the doctor’s waiting room, the airport gate or the arrival of a package from Amazon we can be anxious while we wait. In today’s gospel you tell us twice that we are to be responsible stewards of the blessings and gifts which you provide us in our lifetime. You have been so good to all your children. You have blessed us with faith and the opportunities to exercise that faith in a world waiting for your return. The servant in the gospel who actively waits for the master’s arrival is blessed with unending happiness. You then turn the tables around and wait on your servant. I’m reminded how you washed the feet of your disciples in the upper room. Like Peter, I don’t feel worthy of you waiting on me or washing my feet. I ask for your grace to be vigilant, ready and to actively wait on your return. You ask me to be patient and wait on you because you have wondrous blessings for me today and in the years to come. Dear Jesus, I trust your dream for me. Amen.