March 3, 2020            Tuesday of the 1st Week of Lent-A    

Isaiah 55:10-11

Psalm 34

Matthew 6:7-15

“… your kingdom come, your will be done…”  Matthew 6:10

Lord, so familiar are these words.  Said so often they can become empty or just routine.  Thank you for this opportunity to hear them fresh again as the central and most important words in the prayer you gave us.  Said from the heart, they are really a request for personal surrender to you.  In these words, I’m asking for your ways to become my ways and I’m accepting the blessings of heaven over the things of this world.  I’m living like Mary your mother and Joseph your earthly father.  Both were completely open to your Father’s plan and fully cooperated with it.  Lord, make your will the blueprint for my life.  For that to occur I need to change.  My trust in your grace to mold me and form me needs to grow.  Lord, make these words my true heart’s desire.  May your kingdom be firmly established in all my thoughts, words and deeds this day.  Amen.