February 29, 2020       Saturday after Ash Wednesday

Isaiah 58:9-14

Psalm 86

Luke 5:27-32

And leaving everything behind, he got up and followed him.   Luke 5:28

Lord, when you called Levi, the hated tax-collector to become one of your disciples it caused great scandal.  Many must have been upset that you would ask such a notorious sinner to be in your inner circle. Even more surprising was the quick response by Levi:  he rose immediately, left his lucrative business behind and followed you. Now that the power of the Holy Spirit at work. Levi emptied himself completely of his past life and joyfully celebrated his new one. Levi himself had to believe that he would be the last person on earth to receive this invitation. Lord, you invite me to follow you too. Despite my sins, bad choice and weaknesses you see potential in me as you did Levi. Sometime when I ponder your call I feel like answering “Who me?”  If your grace can transform Levi it can transform me too.  Lord, I want to follow you but to leave everything behind can seem too difficult.  I pray that each day in this Lenten season I can make progress toward the potential holiness you see in me.  Amen.