March 8, 2025, Saturday after Ash Wednesday-C
Isaiah 58:9-14
Psalm 86
Luke 5:27-32
Then light shall rise for you in the darkness… Ps. 86:10
He said to him, “Follow me,” Lk. 5:27
Lord, Levi the tax collector was probably the most unlikely person in all of Israel to be called by you to become a disciple. Known as traitors and sinners tax collectors were the most hated and despised Jews of all. Why, of all the sinners in Israel, did you choose this man? There is much we don’t know about his past, but you must have loved him and saw great potential in him. Leaving everything behind, he was ready for your call. He truly saw your light shine in his darkness. Thank you for calling me too. I know you love me and see potential in me as well. About leaving everything behind, I admit that I’m still a work in progress. This Lent is a good time to leave behind anything that pulls me away from you. May I fast from any distractions that keep me from delighting in you. Nourish me with your word and your sacrament of love. Save your servant who trusts in you for you are my God. You fulfilled your mission of bringing sinners out of darkness into your wonderful light. Guide me to achieve the potential you see in me. Amen.