February 20, 2025, Thursday of the 6th Week of Ordinary Time-C

Genesis 9:1-13

Psalm 102

Mark 8:27-33

“See, I am now establishing my covenant with you and your disciples after you…

Gen. 9:12

“…the Son of Man must suffer greatly…”  Mk. 8:31

Lord, today we hear of two enormous turning points in the relationship between God and man.  The Father swears to Noah he will never destroy the earth and all living creatures on it again.  God establishes an unbreakable, eternal covenant relationship between himself and mankind.  He will go on later to say to all of us: “you will be my people, and I will be your God.” The rainbow was the sign of this firm connection between the Creator and his creations.  You stunned your followers when you said that you, the Messiah and anointed one, must suffer greatly, be rejected and die.  They couldn’t understand how such a terrible end to your life could possibly be good or even the will of God.  Without you emptying yourself, becoming the victim, the rupture of our side of the covenant relationship with God could not be healed.  We still, like Peter, think too much like human beings and not enough like God.  The cross is the source of life not death.  Your sacrifice is the greatest gift God has given to us.  Thank you, Lord, for giving yourself completely for me.  Amen.