February 3, 2025, Monday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time-C
Hebrews 11:32-40
Psalm 31
Mark 5:1-20
How great is the goodness, O Lord, which you have in store for those who fear you. Ps. 31:20
…the unclean spirits came out… Mk. 5:13Lord, our reading today would make a good script of a horror movie. The antics of the man possessed show the reality of evil and the grip it can have on people. We also read that nothing the villagers could do was capable of restraining this crazy person. That’s until you came along. Did you cross the sea to pagan territory just to free this man from this demon? After you drove out the evil from him he became an evangelizer in his community and told everyone what you had done for him. He became possessed again with faith and gratitude for the divine power you have. Lord, at times we face impossible situations that don’t seem to have a solution. We try everything but we fall short and are tempted to give up. But you are greater than any evil, disease, broken relationship or human failure. Dear Jesus, I turn to you and trust you hear my prayers and know my needs. Drive away from me any unclean spirits of discouragement, despair or fear. Replace them with trust that you will provide whatever I need to live in peace with you. Amen.