February 1, 2025, Saturday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time-C
Hebrews 11:1-2,8-19
Psalm Luke 1:69-75
Mark 4:35-41
“Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” Mark 4:38
Lord, you must have been exhausted to sleep through that storm. The Apostles feared for their lives. They didn’t wake you with a request for you to do something to save them. No, they asked why it seemed that you didn’t care about their crisis. O how many times have I asked the same question? Jesus, don’t you care that my life is falling apart? Don’t you care that I can’t find a job or that my mom is dying of cancer? Don’t you care God, that my daughter has turned to drugs or that I can’t handle the pain of sorrow and loneliness since my husband died? It seems sometimes, Lord, you are asleep in the boat tossed about by the storms of my life. You will calm all my trouble and fear with “quiet, be still”. Will you calm the waves of fear that hold me prisoner? I pray you will still the winds that blow me here and there. Lord, may I, like your Apostles, be “filled with great awe” as you take my troubles on yourself and walk with me and sail with me in my boat. Amen.