January 31, 2025, Friday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time-C ST JOHN BOSCO, PRIEST
Hebrews 10:32-39
Psalm 37
Mark 4:26-34
You need endurance to do the will of God and receive what he has promised. Heb. 10:36
By the Lord are the steps of a man made firm, and he approves his way. Ps. 37:23
Lord, you used the sowing of seeds to teach us how the kingdom of God starts small and over time becomes a beautiful tree bearing fruit with even more seeds for additional fruit. I remember how I came to know you and to believe in you as my Lord and my God. It’s been a long road with ups and downs, good times and bad, weakness and strength. Your light has become dim within me at times, but you stayed with me and I endured those times. Lord, I have not always been completely open to how you wanted my faith to develop because I chose my will over yours. But somehow it has worked out and I am where I am. Dear Jesus, continue to believe in me and to shed your grace upon me so I do not retreat but advance in holiness and trust in your way. I have no idea what challenges today will bring. But I do know you will be right at my side encouraging me to persevere and to look for how I can bear fruit for you. Keep me close to you and all will be good. St, John pray for us. Amen.