Malachi 3:1-4
Psalm 24
Hebrews 2:14-18
Luke 2:22-40
Lift up your gates…that the king of glory may come in! Ps. 24:7
Mary and Joseph took Jesus up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord… Lk. 2:22
Lord, how many decades had Simeon and Anna waited for you? They were “righteous and devout” and believed the promises of God through the prophets. Because they looked at people and the world with the eyes of faith, they could see what others couldn’t. So many people rejected you and refused to see who you were, but they clearly knew. You didn’t look any different from the many other children presented in the temple that day. You rewarded their faithfulness with your presence and the gift of revelation. Lord, help me to see with the eyes of faith. When difficulties and trials arise in my life show me how they can be your plan unfolding before me. When difficult or cruel people cross my path, may I see them as your children too. When all looks hopeless and the world seems to be coming apart at the seams, show me your power and your victory over evil. Lord, as we bless candles today, be the light that assures me you are present and will lead me to the kingdom. Today you came as a baby; I look forward to when you come as King and Lord. Amen.