January 9, 2025, Thursday after Epiphany-C
1 John 4:19—5:4
Psalm 72
Luke 4:14-22
Whoever loves God must also love his brother. 1 John 4:21
“…he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor…liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free…” Luke 4:18
Lord, every business or civic organization has a mission statement today. Long ago in Nazareth you quoted Isaiah 61 and used it as your ministry’s mission statement. The people hearing this would have realized that you were claiming to be a prophet. You expressed your love for the poor by preaching the good news to them, freeing them from their sins, lighting their path to the Father and delivering them from the oppression of fear. I too was anointed at my Baptism with a prophetic mission. Much of what you said applies to me too. The last few days the readings from First John focus on love of God and neighbor. At this time of year I can take on a New Year’s resolution to exercise a ministry of love. I can do that in my family first then outward from there to my parish, workplace and neighborhood. Lord, show me how to be a more loving person; a more giving person; a more sacrificial person. You have given me a new year of life to be a more selfless and generous person with my time. Help me not to waste your gift of time this year. Amen.