December 30, 2024, Monday in the Octave of Christmas-C

1 John 2:12-17 

Psalm 96

Luke 2:36-40

“But whoever does the will of God remains forever.”  1 John 2:17

…she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all…Lk. 2:38

Lord, what was it about you that Simeon and Anna saw that led them to be among the first to proclaim you as the Messiah?  You were a tiny child just like so many others presented in the temple that day.  Your mother and father were ordinary people from Galilee.  Maybe it wasn’t anything unique about you but something unique about Simeon and Anna.  They were completely immersed in doing the will of God as they had come to know it after serving Him in the temple for years.  They had become intimate with the mind of God and could see with the eyes of faith.  They were blessed by your Father in heaven with perfect vision despite their advanced years.  Lord, I pray for the same awareness of your presence in each and every person and circumstance of every single day.  Lead me to understand your will for me.  I give you thanks for the blessings of this season of grace.  I look forward with hope to the holy year to come.  I surrender to you and place my family and myself in your loving care.  Amen