December 25, 2024, THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD-C
Isaiah 9:1-6
Psalm 96
Titus 2:11-14
Luke 2:1-14
…because there was no room for them in the inn. Lk. 2:7
Lord, if I was there in the stable of your birth would I see in your fragile humanity the Lord of Lords, King of Kings and Creator of the universe? Would I see the miracle worker, healer, teacher and loving and obedient Son of God? Would I see one who would die on the cross for me? The answer is probably not. I’m sorry there was no room for you in the inn. Your first moments on earth were spent in a cold, smelly and dirty place for livestock. Your last moments would be on a hill hanging on a cross bleeding to death. You experienced rejection at the start and at the end of your life with us. Lord, as I celebrate your birthday I want to make room for you in my heart. If you live in my heart, you will make me a better spouse, grandparent, son or daughter. If I open the doors of my life to you, I can become what you created me to be. Help me to clear out a space for you not just for today but for every day. Emmanuel, God is with us. Amen.