December 24, 2024, Tuesday of the 4th Week in Advent-Christmas Eve-C
2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16
Psalm 89
Luke 1:67-79
“…the dawn from on high shall break upon us…” Lk. 1:78
Lord, as I raise my mind and heart to you this morning, light is beginning to show in the east. The sun will soon rise to light our way, to warm the earth, and to promote growth and energy for life. Without the sun there’s no life. On Christmas Eve I await the dawn of you, God’s son, in my life. Your light will guide me in all ways. It will enlighten my decisions and show me the path to eternal life with you. Your light will also reveal the wonders you have done for me and the wonders yet to come. As you shine on me today, Lord, may I grow in wisdom, flower in peace and learn to love. You came to us as an innocent baby totally dependent on Mary and Joseph. Help me to be confident in your care for me and my family. Lord, show me someone today who I can bring to your light. They too can come home to you. Thank you, Lord, for bringing me out of darkness into your wonderful light. Come Lord Jesus. Amen.