December 18, 2024, Wednesday of the 3rd Week in Advent-C

Jeremiah 23:5-8

Psalm 72

Matthew 1:18-25

When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him… Mt. 1:24

Lord, in the very first pages of the New Testament we meet one of the finest heroes of our faith.  Like all Jews Joseph was waiting for the Messiah.  Little did he know that he would play a critical part in God’s plan for the redemption of all mankind.  This good man was faced with a difficult decision.  He could avoid embarrassment and shame by divorcing his pregnant wife Mary or he could follow the direction he received from God.   Because of his faith in God and love of Mary he chose the more difficult path.  I’m sure Mary explained to him the best she could about the visit of the angel.  Still a miraculous conception must have been a great mystery to him.  How blessed we are to have righteous Joseph as our model of trust and faith in God.  He believed what the angel told his wife: “nothing is impossible with God.”  Dear Jesus, may I have the same courage and faith to cooperate with your plan for me.  May I be open to your will and choose to follow it even if it is difficult or I don’t fully understand the reasons.  Amen.