December 10, 2024, Tuesday of the 2nd week of Advent-C
Isaiah 40:1-11
Psalm 96
Matthew 18:12-14
… in his arms he gathers the lambs… Is. 40:11
“…it is not the will of your heavenly Father that one of these little ones be lost”. Mt. 18:14
Lord, our military has a principle to never leave anyone behind. Each member is valued and important to the whole. You show us the face of the Father in your parable about the lost sheep. Our God is committed to bringing ALL his children home to heaven. Just like sheep we can stray from the flock and become lost. We can be lured away by so many false gods and try to find happiness in places where it is not to be found. But no lost sheep is ever forgotten by you. Lord, there are members of my family and circle of friends that have either left your church or have chosen to ignore you. You never give up on any of them. You even call me to be your instrument in welcoming back to the flock those who have strayed. Lord, sometimes I can be judgmental toward those who reject you and your church. Give me a heart like yours to share your desire for all to be one. Show me how to be open to the cares and concerns of those who don’t know you. Teach me how to seek and save the lost. Amen