December 4, 2024, Wednesday of the 1st Week in Advent-C

Isaiah 25:6-10

Psalm 23

Matthew 15:29-37

On this mountain the Lord of hosts will provide for all peoples… Is. 25:6

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want… Ps. 23:1

They all ate and were satisfied.  Mt. 19:37

Lord, you have been so good to me all the days of my life.  Often, I think I have so little to offer you.   Your prophet Isaiah made the point that you provide all that we need.  Like a good shepherd you guide, protect and feed your flock.  So why do I put boundaries around my time, talent and treasure?  Why do I hesitate to offer you all I have?  Rather than give myself completely to you trusting that you will take and multiply my offerings I want to keep much to myself.  This miracle on the shore of the Sea of Galilee shows me that you can do so much with so little.  Help me not to sell myself short.  You are pleased when I serve the needs of the lonely, heartbroken, worried and fearful.  You bless me when I give time to comfort the mourning and listen to the anguished.  Sometimes the needs of the world overwhelm me and I do nothing.  Please take my seven loaves and a few fish and multiply them to feed those who you place in my path today.  I trust you will always provide.  Amen.