December 1, 2024, Sunday of the 1st Week of Advent-C
Jeremiah 33:14-16
Psalm 25
1 Thessalonians 3:12-4:2
Luke 21:25-28, 34-36
“…your redemption is at hand.” Luke 21:28
Lord, this is really good news! The description of your second coming can fill us with fear or anxiety. Our ultimate end can come suddenly and catch us off guard. But we are encouraged and given hope because those end times will be but a prelude to our full union with you. Our redemption, our salvation is why you came into our world the first time. It’s been your plan all along. You have defeated the forces of evil and have opened heaven for all mankind. As I begin the Advent season, I want it to be the best it can be. With all the distractions of this time of year I want you to come more fully into my heart. May this season be a holy time to embrace your word in a new way. Open my mind to ponder how much you love me and my family. Come into my life and fill me with all I really need—your grace and love. I do not fear the end, Lord, for I will be in your hands. Amen.