December 2, 2024, Monday of the 1st Week in Advent-C

Isaiah 2:1-5

Psalm 122

Matthew 8:5-11

“Amen, I say to you, in no one in Israel have I found such faith.”  Mt. 8:10

Lord, the faith of the Roman soldier clearly amazed you.  Here is a man of authority who has been somehow touched with the spark of faith.  He also cared enough for his servant to risk his military career by reaching out to a Jewish rabbi whom he called “Lord”.  He left behind his status as a military officer and came as a humble petitioner to seek healing for his servant.  He truly believed in your power.  The actual healing of the servant from a distance is kind of an afterthought in this story.  Lord, may I have faith as great as this man whom we quote at every Mass just before Holy Communion.  His humility and trust is a grand example of the grace of the Holy Spirit.  I can imagine this man is now a saint in your heavenly kingdom for faith always gets God’s attention.  May my trust in you not depend on visible, tangible outcomes of my prayers but on your constant love and presence in every part of my life.  Dear Jesus, I believe, help my unbelief.  St. Francis Xavier, pray for us.  Amen.    

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