October 22, 2024, Tuesday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time-B

Ephesians 2:12-22

Psalm 85

Luke 12:35-38

“…he will gird himself, have them recline at table, and proceed to wait on them.”  Lk.12:37

Lord, the servants and household staff must have been shocked when the master came home and waited on them.  What a surprise to be served by the master.  He was grateful for their vigilance and watchfulness while he was away.  I’m sure you surprised your followers when you washed their feet at the Last Supper.  Lord, you are the master of surprises.  I can be ready for many things in life but often I am surprised by the way you challenge and bless me.  Just when I think I’ve got this discipleship figured out you present me with an unexpected opportunity to be a blessing to someone.  You may show me a new way to use the talents and abilities you have given me.  You may bring someone into my life that needs to see and experience your mercy or love.  Lord, may I not limit you or place boundaries around how you work in our lives.  Give me the eyes of faith to see your goodness and care for us especially in new and unexpected ways.  Amen.