October 21, 2024, Monday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time-B

Ephesians 2:1-10

Psalm 100

Luke 12:13-21

…he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace… Eph. 2:7

“There was a rich man whose land produced a bountiful harvest.”  Lk. 12:16

Lord, the rich farmer failed to realize that his bountiful harvest was from you.  He may have worked hard for his success, but you provided all the conditions for his rich crop.  A drought, plague of locusts, or a natural disaster could have wiped out his yield and reduced him to poverty.  Lord, this story clearly tells us how much we depend on you for everything we have.  Those of us who have money, homes, power and position owe it all to you.  Whether we are rich in what counts in this world or not we can be rich in what matters in heaven.  Lord, I am rich in that you love me.  I am wealthy beyond means because you saved me from my sins by shedding your blood on the cross.  I have the immeasurable riches of your grace that empower me to live in your kingdom in peace.  Finally, I have a beautiful and personal relationship with you, my Lord and my God.  Your gift of the Holy Eucharist assures me I will never be poor in what matters to you.  I trust you will always provide for me.  Amen.