October 20, 2024, 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time-B

Isaiah 53:10-11

Psalm 33

Hebrews 4:14-16

Mark 10:35-45

“…whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all.”  Mk. 10:

Lord, sometimes understanding your will for us is obscured.  Choosing the right course of action that pleases you can sometimes be confusing and uncertain.  Not so in today’s gospel.  You correct your disciple’s goal of achieving greatness as they were looking out for number one.  In your kingdom, serving others first is the true measure of greatness.  The whole reason you became one of us was to serve us and bring us back into union with your Father.  Your service involved suffering.  Lord, help me to see with the eyes of faith how I can serve you in my brothers and sisters, especially those whose home or street is flooded from the hurricane.  I can begin at home with the members of my family.  I can watch for opportunities to lift up someone who is down in the neighborhood or at work.  I could write a note, send an email, or make a call to encourage a young person who is troubled or an elderly person who is alone.  I could lend a hand in a ministry at church.  Dear Jesus, show me how I can be a joyful, great servant, even a suffering one.  Amen.