October 14, 2024, Monday of the 28th Week in Ordinary Time-B

Galatians 4:22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1

Psalm 113

Luke 11:29-32

“…something greater than Solomon here.”  Lk.11:31

Lord, long ago people wanted signs from heaven to prove that you were their Messiah.  Your mighty works were performed not to prove anything but out of compassion and pity for the suffering.  Our faith is not based on “magic tricks” or on cosmic events.  Our faith is not based on rules or rituals.  Our faith is a gift based on a person.  You are that person, the son of God.  The only sign I need is the sign of the cross.  You are the Savior sent to bring us all back to the Father.  You offered the examples of the pagan Ninevites and the Queen of Sheba who listened to your word and repented.  Lord, at times I have been a part of an “evil generation” of which you spoke.  I too repent of my sins and plead to you for forgiveness.   I will follow you throughout this day wherever you lead.  I don’t need signs and wonders because you live in my heart and I have been saved by your cross and resurrection.   May I be a sign of your love and care for all mankind by how I live and trust in your love.  Amen.