October 9, 2024, Wednesday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time-B
Galatians 2:1-2, 7-14
Psalm 117
Luke 11:1-4
…the fidelity of the Lord endures forever. Ps. 117:2
“When you pray, say: Father…” Lk. 11:1
Lord, thank you for teaching us this awesome prayer that has endured for thousands of years. The first word of this prayer describes the relationship between us and our creator. God is our loving and faithful Father. No matter what kind of a father each of us had in life we can embrace this strong and everlasting father-child bond. We have a Father who looks on us as his delightful, precious and priceless children. He will do whatever it takes to ensure we have all we need to live holy and faithful lives. A Father who has a dream for each one of us: to live with him in His kingdom forever. A Father who understands our limitations, forgives our mistakes and who is always ready to pick us up when we fall. He will protect us from whatever could overwhelm us or destroy us. Lord, I rely on my Father for the daily nourishment of my body, mind and spirit. I pray he will give me the strength to turn from sin and to forgive anyone who sins against me. I pray he will guide me to my final home with you forever. Amen