October 4, 2024, Friday of the 26th Week in Ordinary Time-B ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, RELIGIOUS

Job 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5

Psalm 139

Luke 10:13-16

“Woe to you Chorazin!  Woe to you Bethsaida!”  Lk. 10:13

Lord, you welcomed your seventy-two disciples after their mission to proclaim the Kingdom of God.   Part of their message to these cities was an invitation to repent and change.  Many did not accept you or the good news of God’s love.  The hearts of the people were closed to the abundant life you came to give them.  They were stuck in the past and in their old ways.  You are always encouraging us to greater holiness.  You provide all the grace needed to turn from evil, selfish ways to lives of service and goodness.  Lord, may I today see my sin and where I need to be washed clean.  Maybe I can use the gifts of my time, talent and treasure in more generous ways.  Maybe I can let go of a stubborn attitude or a lustful desire and embrace purity of thought and deed.   Like Job, I realize how small I am compared to you and how little are my accomplishments.  But I also realize how much you love me and see me as your precious and glorious child.   Don’t give up on me, Lord, if I am slow to change.  Thank you for your patience.  St. Francis pray for us.  Amen.