October 6, 2024, 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time-B
Genesis 2:18-24
Psalm 128
Hebrews 2:9-11
Mark 10:2-16
“It is not good for the man to be alone.” Gen. 2:18
Lord, from the very beginning of creation you made men and women to be together. The family was our first social relationship. When we live in union with each other and in union with your plan it is truly good. The love we have for each other reflects the love you have for us your children. Thank you, dear Lord, for this beautiful bond of love which fulfills and completes husbands and wives. This union, as holy and wonderful as it is, can struggle at times due to our weakness and fallen nature. You supply the grace needed to maintain marriages and to restore broken relationships. We are not alone because you walk with us and encourage us to seek help where needed and to persevere in keeping your plan for us alive. Lord, we pray for married couples who are having difficulty in any way to live out their covenant. Fill them with your grace and by the light of your gospel lead them to more completely give themselves to each other in peace. Amen.