September 20, 2024, Friday of the 24th Week in Ordinary Time-C ST. ANDREW KIM TAE-GON, PRIEST, AND PAUL CHONG HA-SANG, AND COMPANIONS, MARTYRS.

1 Corinthians 15:12-20

Psalm 17

Luke 8:1-3

Accompanying him were the Twelve and some women…  Luke 8:1-2

Lord, as you traveled to preach the Kingdom of God you had a very diverse company of followers.  The twelve Apostles were a kind of rag tag collection of just ordinary men.  You shook up the social norms of the day by including women in your group.  These men and women were unique and possessed talents and gifts that were essential to your mission.  They all had in common a willingness to say yes to you.  This small community could reflect the makeup of the larger one to come.  All would be welcome: the poor and rich, educated and illiterate, people of all nations and races.  All bringing their uniqueness to you and offering themselves in your service.  Lord, thank you for inviting me to walk with you on this journey of faith.  What I have, what I can do and who I am I offer to you in service of the Kingdom.  I have an important place in your company.  Help me to hold nothing back.  St. Andrew, Paul and Companions pray for us.  Amen.