August 30, 2024, Friday of the 21st Week in Ordinary Time-B
1 Corinthians 1:17-25
Psalm 33
Matthew 25:1-13
…the bridegroom came and those who were ready went into the wedding feast with him. Mt. 25:10
Lord, why were the foolish women not ready for the arrival of the bridegroom? They knew what was required but they did not prepare themselves for the feast. Were they distracted or just lazy? So, they were left outside and couldn’t party with the others. Lord, I know you have prepared a wonderful feast for all of us. It will come, we just don’t know when. Today you urge us always to be ready and to be watchful for when you will come and greet us and bring us into your bountiful feast. You always tell us not to be afraid and to trust you. Lord, help me to be ready. Don’t let me be distracted by the lure of worldly wisdom but keep me focused on your wisdom. The wisdom which is from you calls me to forgive those who have hurt me. It calls me to witness to your faithfulness and goodness in a very unstable and dark world. May my lamp light the way to you with repentance for my sins and faith in your mercy. May the oil of the sacraments of your church make me ready for you. Amen.
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