August 22, 2024, Thursday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time-B THE QUEENSHIP OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY

Ezekiel 36:23-28

Psalm 51

Matthew 22:1-14

I will give you a new heart and place a new spirit within you… Ez. 36:26

A clean heart create for me O God, and a steadfast spirit renew with me.  Ps. 51:10

Lord, it’s a wonder of modern medicine that when afflicted with serious heart disease we can undergo a heart transplant.  Most of the time the new heart works fine, and we experience a much better quality of life.  When our spiritual hearts become damaged by a pattern of sin, we too can be in need of a heart transplant.  You promise that a clean heart, a pure heart like yours is available for transplant.   You offer to replace our hard hearts with hearts that are humble, contrite and hopeful.  Lord, I would embrace a change of heart so that I can be worthy of your wedding feast.  Remove from me what separates me from you.  Purify my thoughts, my words and my deeds.  I accept your invitation to the wedding feast of heaven.  I realize that I must rely upon you because on my own I’ll fail to change my ways.   Been there, done that.  Do not permit me to reject the wonderful heart you want for me.  Thank you for the undeserved mercy you pour out with your Spirit.  Queen of heaven, pray for us.  Amen