August 19, 2024, Monday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time-B
Ezekiel 24:15-23
Psalm Deuteronomy 32:18-21
Matthew 19:16-22
“Teacher, what good must I do to gain eternal life?” Mt. 19:16
Lord, this young man asked the question that we all ask. He came to you already on the road to your kingdom. It appears he was currently living a life of obedience and dedication to God. But he had an obstacle to overcome in becoming the complete person he was created to be. You saw into his heart and identified what was holding him back from giving himself fully to God. His wealth and material possessions were blocking his progress. He left you in sadness for he couldn’t let go of his riches. Lord, what do I Iack to fully accept the life you give? What is my obstacle to eternity and union with you? What is it I desire more than you? Is it pride, a hard heart, anger, or resentment? Are my thoughts lustful or do I envy the wealth of others? Am I too busy working on my career to be a faithful parent or am I withholding forgiveness for someone who has hurt me? Whatever you see in my heart, dear Jesus, please show me and provide the grace for me to let go of it. St. Bernard, pray for me. Amen