August 2, 2024, Friday of the 17th Week in Ordinary Time-B
Jeremiah 26:1-9
Psalm 69
Matthew 13:54-58
Perhaps they will listen and turn back… Jer. 26:3
Jesus came to his native place and taught the people… Mt. 13:54
Lord, the Father tries to bring the people back to himself both in Jeremiah’s time and in yours. God so loves us that he sent prophets. and you his Son, to restore his family in faith. Despite rejection He never gives up on his creatures because of his great love for them. Today, Lord, we too are called to listen to the good news of God’s love and his desire that we receive the abundant life you offer. Jeremiah called the people to change, and you invited them to new ways of living. Both messages fell on deaf ears. A lot of people don’t listen to the invitation today. We have faithful prophets in our time who are trying to lead this world back to you. Their message is often ignored or ridiculed. You see our reluctance to change but continue to call after us day and night. Thank you for not abandoning us to our hard-hearted ways. The psalm today says: “I pray to you, O Lord, for the time of your favor, O God!” Come to me and break down the obstacles of my heart so I may hear you and live. Amen.