July 21, 2024, Sunday of the 16th Week in Ordinary Time-B

Jeremiah 23:1-6

Psalm 23

Ephesians 2:13-18

Mark 6:30-34

…he might create in himself one new person in place of the two… Eph. 2:15

Lord, the divisions among your children in this world must break your heart.  After all you have done to save us and bring us together, we persist in maintaining hostile relationships with each other.  Whether the splits are cultural, religious, political, racial or economic we put up walls and blame each other for the evils of the world.  There are even gaping splits within families.  You didn’t create us for this.  It seems we cannot be open to the views of others and must constantly point out their flaws.  Our words throw fuel on the fire.  Lord, you suffered, died and rose to give life to your people.  One of your final prayers to your Father before your Passion was for unity among your flock.  Help me today to be open to those who disagree with me.  Give me the grace of forgiveness for whoever has hurt me.  As I help build your kingdom on earth may I work alongside brothers and sisters.  Show me how much you love my enemies and those who are separated from me.  Your grace is sufficient for breaking down barriers and uniting your children on earth.  Dear Jesus, make us one again.  Amen.