July 14, 2024, 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time-B

Amos 7:12-15

Psalm 85

Ephesians 1:3-14

Mark 6: 7-13

He instructed them to take nothing for the journey…  Mark 6:8

Lord, sometimes when I travel, I’m embarrassed at the huge amount of “stuff” I take with me.  I rely so much on things I want but don’t need.  You cautioned your disciples not to rely on stuff like money, spare tunics, suitcases and the like when you sent them to proclaim the kingdom.  You wanted them to instead rely on you.  Like the apostles, we’re invited to depend on You who sends us.  We are to carry your love and peace in our hearts and on our lips rather than fancy programs and PowerPoint presentations.  We are to travel by faith and not by sight.  We will have both success and failure in living like this.  But you say to us not to let rejection get us down.  Keep moving forward one step at a time.  Do not be discouraged by lack of results.  Lord, I will plant the seed and you supply the growth.  Help me to live the Gospel message as I witness to you.  Thank you, Lord, for choosing me to walk the road with you.  Amen.