June 29, 2024, Saturday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time-B STS. PETER AND PAUL, APOSTLES

Acts of the Apostles 12:1-11

Psalm 34

2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18

Matthew 16:13-19

The Lord stood by me and gave me strength… 2 Tim. 4:17

Lord, you stood by both of your perfectly imperfect saints as they faithfully gave their lives in service to you.  You chose a fisherman and a zealous Pharisee to be instruments in continuing your mission to build your kingdom on earth.  Both failed at times, but you didn’t give up on them.  They showed the power of your gifts of faith and grace in overcoming personal weaknesses.  You protected them from the attacks of evil and never let them give in to fear or despair.  No obstacle is too great for your strength.  Lord, I trust you will stand by me today like you did Peter and Paul.  I look for your strength when I am weak.  I seek to follow you as best I can, trusting that you won’t give up on me.  Please be patient with me as I run to finish my race.  Help me to keep the faith so that I too will have a crown of glory in my future.  By grace I have been chosen, in grace may I respond.  Like your Apostles, I say “yes Lord” to you each and every day.  St. Peter and St. Paul, pray for us.  Amen.