June 28, 2024, Friday of the 12th week in Ordinary Time B ST. IRENAEUS. BISHOP, MARTYR
2 Kings 25:1-12
Psalm 137
Matthew 8:1-4
“Lord, if you wish you can make me clean.” Matthew 8:2
Lord, the leper in today’s story had such courage, confidence and faith in you. We don’t even know his name yet, here we are reading about him 2,000 years later. He was just a man with a terrible disease. He bravely, yet humbly, came from his exile through the crowd and addressed you as “Lord”. He knew who you were and what you could do. Faith always gets your attention. As usual you responded to acts of faith with a powerful healing. You restored his health and his life. Lord, if you wish you can heal me too. Because of my disease of sin, I can be exiled from you. I too approach you with confidence that healing my weaknesses and failings is within your power. And I believe that because of my faith in your compassionate mercy you will welcome me home to your kingdom. Lord, I’m covered with the sores of pride, jealousy, greed, apathy and fear. I want to hear you say, “I will do it. Be made clean!” St. Irenaeus, pray for us. Amen