June 27, 2024, Thursday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time-B

2 Kings 24:8-17

Psalm 79

Matthew 7:21-29

“Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.”  Matthew 7:24

Lord, the foundation of any structure is very important.  A beautiful looking home can collapse into ruin if the foundation isn’t sound and firm.  On what have I built my life? What are my priorities?  Do I depend upon my money, possessions, position or past accomplishments?  Do I trust in my health, good deeds, or talking my way through life?  Sometimes I settle for mediocrity in my holiness.   Your summary of your Sermon on the Mount hits home.  You’ve just laid out that a close intimate relationship with you is the best foundation for entry into your kingdom.  Appearances don’t cut it.  You desire genuine holiness.  Lord, you desire to unleash the power of the Spirit to overcome whatever is holding me back from giving myself to you completely.  I humbly give you credit for bringing me to this point in my life.  In my heart I know I can love better, on the foundation of you, my Lord and my God.  Amen.