June 16, 2024, The 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time-B

Ezekiel 17:22-24

Psalm 92

2 Corinthians 5:6-10

Mark 4:26-34

…for we walk by faith and not by sight.  2 Cor 5:7

“It is like a mustard seed…”  Mk 4:31

Lord, thank you for your story about the kingdom of God.  You chose the mustard seed to represent the beginnings of your kingdom in our lives.  Now, I’ve read that the mustard shrub is not very impressive.  In fact, it was a very average, ordinary bush that few people would notice.  Maybe its “ordinariness” is why you chose it.  I believe you are present in the powerful and the weak, the large and the small, the loud and the quiet.  But I can often miss your kingdom because it is frequently not flashy or bright.  Lord, I believe you are showing me that you dwell in the ordinary, humdrum experiences and things of daily living.  While I am looking for you in the dramatic and bright I may miss you in the homeless guy sleeping under the bridge.  I may miss you in a single mom trying desperately to care for her children alone.  I may miss you in the immigrant and many other “mustard shrubs” I pass along the way.  Lord, I pray you will give me the eyes of faith to see your kingdom, your presence, in every way–even in myself.  Amen.