June 5, 2024, Wednesday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time—B

2 Timothy 1:1-3, 6-12

Psalm 123

Mark 12:18-27

…but bear your share of hardship for the Gospel with the strength that comes from God.  2 Tim. 1:8

Lord, two thousand years ago these words of encouragement were written by St. Paul to his friend in faith, Timothy.  We all need reminders of how to meet the challenges of life and the resources available to us.  Paul tells his young friend to hang in there and to trust that you will supply everything he will need to live out his calling.   Each of us is called to a very personal and unique vocation.  Some are chosen to be priests or deacons and others as married or single.  While our roles in the kingdom vary, the grace you offer to accomplish our work never varies.  You don’t appoint us to a task and then leave us on our own.  I trust in your grace to help me bear any hardship, any failure, and any success I have in living the good news of your love for me.  It’s not about me but about you working through me.  Lord, grow my awareness of the place you have chosen me to be.  I know you will never abandon me or allow me to come up short on grace.  Thank you for these words of encouragement.  Amen.