May 24, 2024, Friday of the 7th Week in Ordinary time B

James 5:9-12

Psalm 103

Mark 10:1-12

Do not complain, brothers and sisters, about one another… James 5:9

Lord, you know well that I am not perfect.  I can be a complainer.  I can sometimes tear down a relationship instead of building it up.  I can hold grudges instead of forgiveness.  I can harm instead of healing.  Please forgive me for my failures to follow your example of compassion and mercy.  There are times when criticism of another can be constructive and helpful.  Help me to always offer support to my brothers and sisters in a spirit of charity.  I know I can count on your Spirit to help me to judge when to speak and when not to.  You were critical of those who opposed you, but I can’t help but feel you did it with love in your heart.  Lord, give me the kind of heart that seeks unity instead of division.  May I always be patient with the mistakes and flaws of those I live, worship and work with.  Teach me to have an attitude of forgiveness and mercy to someone who has hurt me.  Today if I am tempted to whine or complain I will stop and take a deep breath and remember you are nearby and anxious to help me.  Amen.