May 15, 2024, Wednesday of the 7th week of Easter-B

Acts of the Apostles 20:28-38

Psalm 68

John 17:11-19

“So be vigilant and remember…”  Acts 20:31

“…they do not belong to the world…”  John 17:17

Lord, you and Paul had such love and concern for your followers.  As he and you said goodbye to them and prayed for them, we hear what your priorities were.  Paul warned the small community that they will come under attack for their beliefs by men and the devil.  You told your disciples that the kingdom of God has different standards than that of the world.  Lord, we who embrace the truth as you taught, can be hated and persecuted because our beliefs don’t comply with those of the world around us.  We are in the world but not of the world.  I know from personal experience the lure of sin and death which is common among those who don’t hold firm to your truth.  It’s so easy to give in and to choose the popular and trendy movements around me.  Jesus, I know the Father heard your prayer for your disciples and for me.  May I be “vigilant and remember” that you promised to be with us until the end.  Help me to not buy into the world’s priorities and to hold firm to your truth.  Amen.