April 30, 2024, Tuesday of the 5th Week of Easter B

Acts of the Apostles 14:19-28

Psalm 145

John 14:27-31

They strengthened the spirits of the disciples, encouraging them to persevere in the faith…Acts 14:22

“Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid… John 14:27

Lord, in these hours before your arrest, suffering and death on the cross, you loved your followers so much that you gave them your peace.  You saw the fear and confusion on their faces.  You heard their trembling voices and saw into their agitated hearts.  You knew what they would be going through as your passion played out.  But you had the big picture which they didn’t have.  You knew there would be trouble, but you also knew of the resurrection.  You knew there would be denial and betrayal, but you also foresaw the arrival of the Holy Spirit to give them courage and strength to persevere.  Lord, I look for the same peace you gave your disciples.  Put a fresh heart in me so I can endure the trials and pains of this life in a spirit of hope.  Help me place my troubled heart in your hands and be steadfast in faith knowing the end of my story is life eternal.  May I not settle for the temporary peace the world gives.  Show me the real peace you offer.  Amen