April 22, 2024, Monday of the 4th Week of Easter-B  

Acts 11:1-18

Psalm 42

John 10:1-10

“…the Holy Spirit fell upon them as it had upon us…”  Acts 11:15

Lord, there’s no lack of division among your people.  We are pretty good at spotting how we differ from one another.  These differences can separate us, break relationships or cause enormous damage in our society.  Peter went against centuries of prejudice toward Gentiles and courageously invited them to believe in you as savior and redeemer.  He was able to do this only under the influence of the Holy Spirit.  This faith in you could only be accepted by the Gentiles because of the Spirit they received.  We think we are in control, and we are not!  All God’s children regardless of skin color, culture or any of the other lines we draw are precious to him and are welcome.  Lord, help me to not let barriers form between those you’ve placed in my life.  May I look at those who are different as brothers and sisters.  May I look at them as you do.  I know I’m not perfect so why should I expect them to be?  Lord, I welcome the strength, courage and guidance of the same Spirit that led Peter to open up the church to all people.  Amen.