April 18, 2024, Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter B

Acts of the Apostles 8:26-40

Psalm 66

John 6:44-51

Then Philip opened his mouth and …proclaimed Jesus to him.  Acts 8:35

Lord, I am where I am in my faith journey because you have called me to believe.  Along the way I have been helped by many people who have shared their faith with me.  If I had been on my own, who knows, I may have fallen away off the path you have marked out for me.  I am so grateful for all those people who you have placed in my life to instruct, guide, and encourage me in my faith walk.  Philip was just what this Ethiopian official needed.  He was stuck in his understanding of your word and Philip enlightened him by sharing his faith in you.  Lord, we are a community of believers that truly depends on your grace and each other to point us to you.  I thank you for the Holy Spirit which begins the process of growth and faith in you.  Who knows, maybe today I can be an instrument of the Spirit to help someone who is struggling by showing an interest and walking with them.  Lord, I don’t need the knowledge of a scripture scholar to make a difference but a heart open to your love and your grace.  Amen.