April 5, 2024, Friday of Easter Week-B

Acts of the Apostles 4:1-12

Psalm 118

John 21:1-14

“There is no salvation through anyone else…”  Acts 4:11

When it was already dawn, Jesus was standing on the shore… John 21:4

Lord, like the dawn, you are the light of the world.  The apostles had failed at fishing that night.  Their nets were empty until you joined them on the shore.  With your blessing their nets were filled.  With your blessing a man crippled from birth walked, jumped, and ran.  We need you, Jesus.  Peter got it right when he told his people that you are the only source of salvation for all of us.  I can’t depend on my own skills, on technology, on luck, or anything else apart from you for salvation.   The disciples seemed to hesitate at first when you revealed yourself to them.  It’s like they were afraid you weren’t real, or that they were dreaming.  Later when Peter and John were arrested for proclaiming the good news of your resurrection there was no hesitation, no fear, no doubt.  They didn’t flinch when threatened by the authorities.  Nothing could keep them quiet.  Lord, I want the confidence and the courage of Peter and John.   Fill my nets with trust and faith in your presence and power to be a light in someone’s darkness today.  Amen