April 3, 2024, Wednesday of Easter Week-B
Acts of the Apostles 3:1-10
Psalm 105
Luke 24:13-35
…Jesus himself drew near and walked with them. Lk. 24:15
Lord, I love this story. You were so understanding and gentle with these two disciples as you walked and talked with them. You first asked questions and listened to their story. You sensed their disappointment that their hopes in the Messiah didn’t pan out. They thought this new and wonderful movement was now as dead as their crucified leader. You met them where they were but with firmness and clarity you brought them to a new understanding and a new awareness of God’s plan for the salvation of the world. You put all the pieces together for them and sealed it with the breaking of bread. Lord, sometimes I get disappointed that my expectations aren’t met when I pray. You know where I am in my walk with you, and you know exactly what I need to get to where you want me. By sharing yourself with the Emmaus disciples you completely changed them, and they fearlessly immediately went back to Jerusalem where you wanted them. Walk with me and then stay with me today, dear Jesus, and set my heart on fire for love of you. Amen.