February 15, 2024. Thursday after Ash Wednesday-B

Deuteronomy 30:15-20

Psalm 1

Luke 9:22-25

“Choose life…by loving the Lord, your God, heeding his voice and holding fast to him.”  Dt. 30:19-20

Lord, many of us began our journey in Lent yesterday with a resolution to pray, fast or give alms.  Today is day two.  Well, so far so good.  But today we must make a choice to continue what we started.  But why are we doing this in the first place?  Moses would tell us the reason is that it is to make the choice for life.  When we are obedient to your word, we choose life.  When we give ourselves to you, we choose life.  When we accept the cross, we choose life.  How ironic it is, Lord, that by choosing an instrument of death, the cross, we are given life.  Lord, renew in me a real love of you and those around me.  Help me to live unselfishly by looking after the good of others each day this season.  Guide me to embrace my own sufferings or to share the hurts of someone else.  Lord, bring me close to you in daily prayer and adoration.   My prayer now, dear Jesus, that this be my very best Lent ever.  Amen.