February 13, 2024, Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time-B

James 1:12-18

Psalm 94

Mark 8:14-21

Do not be deceived…all good giving and every perfect gift is from above.  Jas. 1:16-17

When cares abound within me, your comfort gladdens my soul.  Ps. 94:19

Lord, upon reflecting on you feeding the multitudes in the desert we usually focus on the miracle of the loaves.  It’s probably because hunger and satisfaction are part of our daily experiences.  Bread is a visible and ordinary solution to hunger.  More importantly, as St. James points out, the greater good is the perfect gift from above.  As you taught the people you fed their spirits and informed them how much they were loved by their heavenly Father.   Your very presence was proof that God only gives his children the very best.  He and only He provides food for the soul.  The people would be hungry again tomorrow for bread, but you fed them with everlasting truth and goodness.  Tomorrow is the first day of the penitential season of Lent.  Our journey to Easter will begin from the starting point of today.  Help me, dear Lord, to be open to the graces of this season.  Show me my sins and grant me perseverance in good works.  May I be open to what you want me to feast on this Lent.  A season of growth and renewal that can change me and “gladden my soul.”  Amen.