February 7, 2024, Wednesday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time-B
1 Kings 10:1-10
Psalm 37
Mark 7:14-23
“Your wisdom and prosperity surpass the report I heard. “ 1 Kings 10:7
Lord, King Solomon would have made an excellent Jeopardy contestant. He greatly impressed the Queen with his wisdom and judgment. She knew the source of Solomon’s wisdom and she gave glory to the God of Israel for it. Solomon didn’t have a degree from a university. All he had come from you and was given him for the benefit of the people of Israel. At my Baptism I too received the gifts of the Holy Spirit. That means I have within me divine wisdom. I am grateful to you, O Lord, for all you have placed within my heart. I must admit I don’t always appreciate your gifts like I should. I underestimate my potential and can feel very inadequate at times. But I know you are with me and will continue to guide me to better understanding of your ways if I humbly listen to your quiet whisper in my heart. Lord, may I rely on your word for this guidance and your grace for the strength to live the abundant life you won for me. Amen